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Planning a Community Woodland?Munro Gauld, May 2000, Development Officer, Reforesting ScotlandContents
Concerned about the ownership and management of woodlands in your area? Do they benefit interests other that local people? Thinking of establishing a community woodland in your area. Interested in developing a community vision for the future? Reforesting Scotland have just obtained funding to continue the successful Rural Development Forestry Programme that we ran in partnership with Rural Forum and Highlands and Islands Forum between 1994 and 1998. With impending Land Reform legislation giving communities a right to buy land, the establishment of the Scottish Land Fund and the greater willingness of Forest Enterprise to work together with local communities, there are now wonderful opportunities for communities to become involved in the management and benefit sharing of woodlands in their area. This new programme of Participatory Appraisals aims to help local people analyse their local situation, identify the options available and to find out what the whole community thinks. This done by local people themselves through a series of structured workshops and interviews with the help of a team of experienced facilitators. The Appraisal and subsequent report can assist a community in developing their plans and help start a process of establishing your own community woodland. And the good news is these community planning exercises will be partially subsidised. However, we have a limited number of exercises that we can run, so if you are interested in exploring the possibility for your community, contact the Reforesting Scotland office. Contact Munro Gauld or other staff at: Reforesting Scotland, Tel: 0131 554 4321 E-mail: Reforesting Scotland is a membership organisation, which operates as a non-profit distributing company. It is a recognised Scottish charity by Inland Revenue and has the following aims and objectives: