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Loans for the Social Economy

Alternative Sources of Funding for not-for-profit organisations

Are you a community group, voluntary association or not-for-profit organisation? Do you experience cash flow problems or need some working capital? Is there a piece of equipment your organisation needs to operate more effectively? Are you planning to buy some property, premises or refurbish existing ones? With funding increasingly difficult to secure, a growing number of voluntary and community organisations are recognising the benefits of loan finance. For most people operating in the social economy, the use of loan finance is a new concept. But there are now over a hundred voluntary organisations that have proved loan finance can offer an attractive addition to traditional funding sources.

Loan Finance may be able to help

Loan finance is a flexible way of funding new avenues of activity or to help you reach more people through existing activities. It can even be used to help set up new organisations, or as bridging finance when grant funding is unexpectedly delayed or when you fall short of an appeal target. The possibilities are endless.

With support from the Scottish Executive, a partnership of social economy loan funders have come together to organise a series information events about how not-for-profit organisations can access loan finance. The partners are: Community Enterprise Ltd; Developing Strathclyde Ltd; the Barataria Foundation; Investors in Society Scotland and the Scottish Executive.

If you think that borrowing may offer some potential for your organisation, then get in contact with the relevant loan funder in your area:


Developing Strathclyde Ltd

Tel: 0141 221 5454

Forth Valley

Community Enterprise Ltd

Tel: 0131 475 2345

Highlands & Islands
Dumfries & Galloway

The Barataria Foundation

Tel: 01738 582232