Who Owns Scotland?
Land Reform
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New Opportunities Fund Scottish Land Fund
Briefing to Scottish Land Reform Convention
By Pauline Cameron, Head of Scotland Office, 24 March 2000
See also 2001 Land Fund Results

 | Green Spaces and Sustainable Communities Programme11.5% allocation to Scotland. 75%
(10.78 million) for community acquisition of land in rural Scotland |
 | Use award partner to deliver grant management and assessment of programme |
 | Delegated decision making to Scottish Land Fund Committee (sub-committee of NOF Board) |
 | Funding to be allocated to award partner by end 2002 |
 | Award partner contract to last until 2007 |

 | Complement legislation (including crofting provisions) but not restricted to funding
projects where community power to purchase is exercised |
 | Community land purchase and management as a package |
 | Management of land in partnership with agencies (on an equal partner or tenancy basis) |
 | Management costs: capacity building in community business skills, land management,
income generation projects |
 | Contribution towards land acquisition costs |
 | Contribution towards feasibility studies in assessing a proposal |
 | Feasibility study costs: land valuation, economic/environmental assessment |

 | Communities: who live and work on or near land which they are interested in
purchasing/managing. Not about access to land for visitors to area. Communities can be
defined geographically by parish, ward, community council area etc |
 | Genuine community involvement: reasonable representation/ interest of the community on
partnership/ applicant body. Rigorous checks that more than tokenism |
 | Rural: follow legislative definition, but will allow for case to be made by applicant |

 | Not-for-profit community based organisations/ business/ trust; include public/private
sector agencies as partners |
 | Additional income levered in by project (eg leasing through increased land value) must
be reinvested into activities for which the project was originally intended (eg community
development) |
 | Applications from communities and/or organisations which will contribute to the
sustainability of rural communities in fragile areas > population retention, increased
skills base |
 | Demonstrate balance between environmental and socio-economic benefits |

Award Partner
 | Contracted out grant management for open application grant scheme: |
 | Application request: dedicated NOF phone line, postal address: retain NOF identity |
 | Promoting programme to target communities |
 | Assessment |
 | Recommendations to NOF sub-committee |
 | Compliance monitoring and evaluation |
 | Appointment by NOF Board: chaired by Scotland Board member |
 | Range of expertise/ skills: community land management, grant management, community
development, range of sectors, geographic spread, land reform legislation, crofting issues
etc |
 | Responsible for strategic direction of programme |
 | Responsible for decision making on all grants from the fund |
 | Formal procedures for dealing with conflicts of interest |

Scotland NOF Office
 | GSSC Case Manager |
 | Management of contracts |
 | Support award partner in servicing of sub-committee |
 | M&E programme delivery |
 | Ensure adequate ongoing consultation with stakeholders |

 | 31 March 2000 deadline date for submission of expressions of interest in becoming the
award partner |
 | April 2000: Board approval of 8 shortlisted candidates for Scottish Land Fund Committee |
 | May 2000: first Scottish Land Fund Committee meeting |
 | Summer: successful award partner notified and asked to progress to stage 2 to develop
bids in more detail |
 | Autumn 2000: contract approved by Scottish Land Fund Committee and launch of award
partner scheme |
