Participatory Reflection and Action Methods
This paper was published as an Appendix in Whose Eden? An Overview of Community
Approaches to Wildlife Management, IIED and ODA, London, July 1994.
Pages 98 102. ISBN 0-905347 74 9
The International Institute for Environment and Development (IIED) can be contacted at:
3 Endsleigh Street, London WC1H 0DD
E-mail: info@iied.org Web: www.iied.org
In recent years there has been rapid expansion of new participatory reflection and
action methods (PRA) and related approaches in the context of development and research.
PRA methods are now increasingly used in both rural and urban situations. These have
drawn on many long-established traditions that have put participation; action research and
adult education at the forefront of attempts to liberate and emancipate disempowered
To those practitioners already using these types of methods, participatory inquiry may
apparently bring little that is new. But to the much wider body of development programmes,
projects and initiatives it represents a significant departure from standard practice.
Some of the changes under way are remarkable.
In many government and non-government institutions extractive research is being
superseded by investigation and analysis by local people themselves. Methods are being
used not just for local people to inform outsiders, but also for peoples own
analysis of there own conditions. This is particularly important in community approaches
to livelihood improvement and natural resource management. |

Different Systems of Inquiry
The interactive involvement of many people in differing institutional contexts has
promoted innovation, and there are many variations in the way that systems of inquiry have
been put together. These systems of inquiry include, for example:
Agro-ecosystems Analysis (AEA); Beneficiary Assessment (BA); Community Action Planning
(CAP); Development Education Leadership Teams (DELTA); Diagnosis and Design (D&D);
Diagnostico Rural Rapido (DRR); Farmer Participatory Research; Farming Systems Research;
Groupe de Recherche et dAppui pour lAuto-Promotion Paysanne (GRAPP); Methode
Acceleree de Recherche Participative (MARP); Micro-Planning Workshops; Participatory
Analysis and Learning Methods (PALM); Participatory Action Research (PAR); Participatory
Monitoring and Evaluation (PME); Participatory Operational Research Projects (PORP);
Participatory Poverty Assessment (PPA); Participatory Poverty Monitoring (PPM);
Participatory Policy Research (PPR); Participatory Research Methodology (PRM);
Participatory Rural Appraisal (PRA); Participatory Rural Appraisal and Planning (PRAP);
Participatory Social Assessment (PSA); Participatory Technology Development (PTD);
Participatory Urban Appraisal (PUA); Planning for Real (PfR); Process Documentation; Rapid
Appraisal; Rapid Assessment of Agricultural Knowledge Systems (RAAKS); Rapid Assessment
Procedures (RAP); Rapid Assessment Techniques (RAT); Rapid Catchment Analysis (RCA); Rapid
Ethnographic Assessment (REA); Rapid Food Security Analysis (RFSA); Rapid
Multi-perspective Appraisal (RMA); Rapid Organisational Assessment (ROA); Rapid Rural
Appraisal (RRA); Samuhik Brahman (Joint Trek); Self-esteem, Associative Strength,
Resourcefulness, Action Planning, and Responsibility (SARAR); Soft Systems Methodology
(SSM); Theatre for Development; Training for Transformation (TFT); Village Appraisal (VA);
Visualisation in Participatory Programmes (VIPP); and Zielorientierte Projekt Planung

Common Principles
This diversity and complexity is strength. Despite the different ways in which these
approaches are used, there are important common principles uniting most of them. These are
as follows:
 | A defined methodology and systematic learning process: the focus is on cumulative
learning by all the participants and, given the nature of these approaches as systems of
inquiry, their use has to be participative. |
 | Multiple perspectives: a central objective is to seek diversity, rather than
characterise complexity in terms of average values. The assumption is that different
individuals and groups make different evaluations of situations, which lead to different
actions. All views of activity or purpose are heavy with interpretation, bias and
prejudice, and this implies that there are multiple possible descriptions of any
real-world activity. |
 | Group inquiry process: all involve the recognition that the complexity of the
world will only be revealed through group inquiry. This implies three possible mixes of
investigators, namely those from different disciplines, from different sectors and from
outsiders (professionals) and insiders (local people). |
 | Context specific: the approaches are flexible enough to be adapted to suit each
new set of conditions and actors, and so there are multiple variants. |
 | Facilitating experts and stakeholders: the methodology is concerned with the
transformation of existing activities to try to bring about changes which people in the
situation regard as improvements. The role of the expert is best thought of as
helping people in their situation to carry out their own study and so achieve something.
These facilitating experts may well come from the community, and thus be
stakeholders themselves. |
 | Leading to sustained action: the inquiry process leads to debate about change,
and debate changes perceptions of the actors and their readiness to contemplate action.
Action is agreed, and implementable changes will therefore represent an accommodation
between the different conflicting views. The debate and or analysis both defines changes
which would bring about improvement and seeks to motivate people to take action to
implement the defined changes. This action includes local institution building or
strengthening, so increasing the capacity of people to initiate action on their own. |

Learning Leading to Action
The principle of participation overarches these packages of methods. In this context,
appraisal implies a process of learning leading to action. Livelihood improvement and
sustainable resource management, with all its uncertainties and complexities, cannot be
envisaged without all actors being involved in a continuing process of learning.
Participatory inquiry can, therefore, be defined in the following way:
- Participatory inquiry is a structured methodology centred on the principle that
participation is a moral right, in which multiple perspectives are sought through a
process of group inquiry, developed for the specific context, and so using systematic
methods to help people organise to bring about changes in problem situations that they see
as improvements.

Four Classes of
Participatory Inquiry Methods
In recent years, the creative ingenuity of practitioners worldwide has increased
the range of participatory reflection and action methods in use. Many existed in other
contexts, and were borrowed and adapted. Others are innovations arising out of situations
where practitioners have applied the methods in a new setting, the context and the people
themselves giving rise to the novelty. The methods are structured into four classes namely
those for group and team dynamics, for sampling, for interviewing and dialogue, and
visualisation and diagramming (See chart for an illustration of some of the tools and
techniques). It is the collection of these methods into unique approaches, or packages of
methods, that constitutes systems of inquiry.

Collective Analysis by all
the Investigators
Participation calls for the collective analysis. Even a sole researcher must work
closely with local people (often called beneficiaries, subjects, respondents or
informants). Ideally, teams of investigators work together in interdisciplinary and
inter-sectoral teams. By working as a group, the investigators can approach a situation
from different perspectives, monitor one anothers work carefully, and carry out a
variety of tasks simultaneously. Groups can be powerful and productive entities when they
function well, as performance and output is likely to be greater than the sum of the
individual members (Steiner, 1972; Handy, 1985 Belbin, 1992). Many assume that simply
putting together a group of people in the same place is enough to make an effective team.
This is not the case. Shared perceptions, essential for group or community action, have to
be negotiated and tested in a complex social process. Yet, in general, the complexity of
multidisciplinary teamwork is poorly understood. A range of workshop and field methods is
available to help in the formation of groups.
Methods for Participatory Inquiry
Group and Team Dynamic Methods |
Sampling Methods |
Interviewing and Dialogue Methods |
Visualisation and Diagramming Methods |
- Team contacts
- Team reviews and discussions
- Interview guides and checklists
- Rapid report writing
- Energisers
- Work sharing (taking part in local activities)
- Villager and shared Presentations
- Process notes and personal diaries
- Transect walks
- Wealth ranking and well-being ranking
- Social maps
- Interview maps
- Semi-structured interviews
- Direct observation
- Focus groups
- Key informants
- Ethnohistories and biographies
- Oral histories
- Local stories, portraits and studies
- Mapping and modelling
- Social maps and wealth rankings
- Transects
- Mobility maps
- Seasonal calendars
- Daily routines and activity profiles
- Historical profiles
- Trend analyses and timelines
- Matrix scoring
- Preference or pairwise ranking
- Venn diagrams
- Network diagrams
- Systems diagrams
- Flow diagrams
- Pie diagrams
Source: Pretty, J.N, Guijt, I. Scoones, I. Thompson, J (1994) A
Trainers Guide for Participatory Learning and Action, IIED, London.

Multiple Perspectives
In order to ensure that multiple perspectives are both investigated and represented,
practitioners must be clear about who is participating in the data gathering, analysis and
construction of these perspectives. Sampling is an essential part of these participatory
approaches, and a range of field methods is available.

Mutual and Beneficial Dialogue
Sensitive interviewing and dialogue are a third core element of the process of
participatory inquiry. For the re-constructions of reality to be revealed, the
conventional dichotomy between the interviewer and respondent should not be permitted to
develop. Interviewing is, therefore structured around a series of methods that promote a
sensitive and mutually beneficial dialogue.

The Importance of Oral and
Visual Tools
The fourth element of participatory inquiry is the emphasis on diagramming and visual
construction. In formal surveys, information is taken by interviewers, who transform what
people say into their own language. By contrast, diagramming by local people gives them a
share in the creation and analysis of knowledge, providing a focus for dialogue, which can
be modified sequentially and extended. Local categories, criteria and symbols are used
during diagramming, which include mapping and modelling, comparative analysis of local
perceptions of seasonal and historical trends, ranking and scoring to understand
decision-making, and diagrammatic representations of household and livelihood systems.
Rather than answering questions, which are directed by the values of the researcher, local
people are encouraged to explore creatively their own versions of their worlds.
Visualisations therefore, help to balance dialogue and increase the depth and intensity of

Local Capacity
Local people, using the methods of participatory inquiry, have shown a greater capacity
to observe, diagram and analyse than most professionals have expected. In some programmes
this has led to local people conducting investigations without outsiders being present
(Shah, 1992). Here, participatory inquiry methods become the locally owned means to
collective action.

Eight Step Approach
Typically, participatory inquiry involves eight clearly defined steps. An outside team
works with members of the local community to:
- Select a location and gain approval from local administrative officials and community
- Conduct a preliminary visit (steps 1 and 2 include community review and a planning
meeting to share the purpose and objectives of the participatory inquiry and initiate
dialogue between all parties as well as full participation);
- Collect both secondary and field data (spatial, time-related, social, environmental,
economic and governance), and share information with selected communities;
- Synthesise and analyse that data;
- Identify problems and opportunities to resolve them;
- Rank opportunities and prepare maps, action plans, reports and costings (including basic
work plan for all members of the community);
- Adopt and implement the plan;
- Follow-up, evaluate and disseminate any findings, maintain momentum through addressing
new issues.

Wide Variety of Tools
A variety of data collection tools exist: sketch maps, transects, time and trend lines,
seasonal calendars, household interview charts, institutional diagrams, problem priority
sheets. Based on these data, the local community organises and ranks problems and
opportunities as a prelude to the creation of a community action plan.

Good Preparation is Needed
As a participatory inquiry team begins work, it meets with the community and other
leaders to ensure that they support the initiative and perceive the potential for their
control over the process. Meetings with the community as a whole are then held to explain
the process and initiate data collection. Separate meetings are also held with specific
interest groups (i.e. women, youths, the elderly, and economically active persons) and
with individual households. This mixture of public meetings and dialogue with smaller
groups makes it more likely that all members of the community will participate

Composition of the Inquiry Team
A participatory inquiry team needs to be made up of people who specialise in community
work and relevant technical specialists (agriculture, business, local government, social
services education, health, etc, natural resource management, etc). At least
half the members of the team should be women, and a minimum of two should be from the
participating community. While the participatory inquiry emphasises local participation,
it must be noted that individuals from outside the society can make positive and sometimes
catalytic contributions to the process. Participatory inquiry is a learned skill and can
be acquired by formal training or by participating with those who are experienced in the
approach and method. However it does require on the part of individual professionals that
they undergo a process of attitudinal and behavioural change. They must be willing to give
up both power and their role as the expert and enter into a more horizontal form of
communications. This is often referred to as the unlearning and relearning process.

Source of Material and References
This paper was published as an Appendix in Whose Eden? An Overview of Community
Approaches to Wildlife Management, IIED and ODA, London, July 1994. Pages 98
102. ISBN 0-905347 74 9
The International Institute for Environment and Development (IIED) can be contacted at:
3 Endsleigh Street, London WC1H 0DD
E-mail: info@iied.org Web: www.iied.org

Belbin, M. (1992), Building the Perfect Team. (Video Arts, Video)
Handy, C.B. (1985), Understanding Organisations, 3rd Edition, Penguin
Books, London.
Pretty, J.N, Guijt, I. Scoones, I. Thompson, J (1995) A Trainers Guide for
Participatory Learning and Action, IIED, London, 1994.
Shah, P. (1992) Participatory Watershed Management Programme in India: Reversing our
Roles and Revising our Theories, Paper for Joint IIED/IDS Beyond Farmer First:
Rural Peoples Knowledge, Agricultural Research and Extension Practices Conference
27 29 October 1992, IIED
Steiner, I.D. (1972), Group Process and Productivity, Academic Press, New York.
