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Plain language policy popularisation

This section offers articles and information dealing with methods that help ordinary people to play a meaningful part in the ongoing process of policy making and revision.

The Centre works closely on this topic with the Tanzanian NGO Hakikazi Catalyst.

The Hakikazi Catalyst website has a useful section pointing to good sources of information about plain language writing - to visit click HERE.

For downloadable examples of plain language materials click HERE

The Centre's various sister sites deal with the popularisation of Scottish land reform policy. Use the links on the left of this page to visit the sites.
Hakikazi Catalyst How to popularise policy - the 4D approach
George Clark The changing face of policy making
See Also -  
George Clark (2003) A plain language guide to the Social Economy
George Clark (2003) What is economics about?
George Clark (2003) How big is the social economy?


Sister sites -  
PowerPoint presentation to IRN conference in the UK on 22-27 June 2003 Popularisation of Policy - a participatory approach in Tanzania
Outputs from an interactive colloquium in Tanzania on August 2002. This dealt with Popularising Policy and Influencing Change through Action Research, Advocacy and Creative Communication. Dialogue for Change
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