Short biographies of key people:
Graham Boyd :
George Clark : David Reid :
Andy Wightman :

Graham Boyd is a freelance international development consultant. He has over
28 years of work experience both in Scotland and overseas. His areas of
specialisation are social development analysis and local economic development.
In recent years his main focus of work has been on: organisational and
institutional frameworks for national level poverty monitoring systems; the
promotion and development of member-controlled enterprises (cooperatives and
other forms of group-based enterprise); and a wide range of project cycle
management work (design, execution and evaluation) using participatory
Contact Graham at boyd@caledonia.org.uk

With a background in education George Clark
is now a freelance writer, researcher and social activist specialising in the
popularisation of development messages. He has been actively involved with an
innovative Tanzanian social justice NGO in popularising policies related to
poverty reduction (21 booklets
so far with several more in the pipeline) – see
. He is convenor and webguru for the Caledonia Centre for Social Development and
director of Seafield Research and Development Services. His current interests
include poverty reduction strategies, countervailing power, and the interface
between neuroscience and eastern philosophies as these relate to changing minds.
Much of his output is on the web and links are available from
Contact George at clark@srds.co.uk

David Reid has almost three decades of experience in education at primary,
secondary and tertiary levels in Scotland and in Africa. In recent years he has
worked on the documentation of community-based and community-led initiatives
intended to promote sustainability, with particular interests in affordable
housing, organic horticulture and agriculture, renewable energy and community
woodlands. He is a Fellow of the Centre for Human Ecology and the author of
Sustainable Development: An Introductory Guide (Earthscan, 1995). Besides being
a director of the Caledonia Centre for Social Development, he
was for ten years director and
chairman of the Highlands Small Communities Housing Trust. He is also an
activist in his own community, a crofter and a bee-keeper.
Contact David at

Andy Wightman is a freelance writer, researcher and analyst specialising in land
reform, land tenure and landownership. He is a leading advocate of land reform
in Scotland and the author of Who Owns Scotland (Canongate, 1996) and Scotland:
Land and Power (Luath, 1999). He is Director of the Caledonia Centre for Social
Development’s Land Programme and a member of the Big Lottery’s Scottish Land
Fund Committee. His current interests include research on burgh commons and
other forms of common land. Catch up with his activities on the web at
, www.whoownsscotland.org.uk
and www.landreformact.com
Contact Andy at andywightman@caledonia.org.uk