Who Owns Scotland?
Land Reform
Land Reform Guidance
Networks of
Training of Trainers
| |

The Next Stage [1999 to 2003]

A suggested framework for the next stage of NFP development is outlined below. It
has four main components.
Partnership Co-ordination and Development
- Sharing Good Practice
- Measuring Impact
- Research and Dissemination of Information
These components build upon the activities and achievements of the first NfP project
(June 1997 to August 1999). The details of each of the components have been revised at the
Eigg workshop in September 1998 and the Inverness workshop in December 1998.

Partnership Co-ordination and Development
 | Promote membership of the NfP Group amongst organisations who own, lease, manage or
aspire to own land for economic, social, environmental and cultural purposes |
 | Undertake management committee and secretariat functions |
[Listen to members, provide direction, undertake mailings and document reproduction,
maintain a current address and membership list]
 | Explore the feasibility of developing 3 Regional Groups |
[The Highlands; Grampian and Tayside; Southern Scotland]
 | Undertake the management, administrative and reporting tasks on the NfP project |
[NFP Management Committee, Working Group, Part-time Co-ordinator, Workshop
Organisers and Reporter, Project Adviser]
Sharing Good Practice
 | Whole Estate Plans: plan-making, implementation and monitoring |
 | Strengthening organisational capacity through examining good governance issues in the
field of social land ownership |
[Organisational governance, Community involvement, Technical skills and knowledge
through commissioning 4 research and guidance papers]
 | Undertake a skills audit of the active members of NfP organisations who are willing to
share their skills and knowledge. |
[Compile the information into a skills register with a view to enabling new social
land initiatives to draw upon these resources]
 | Organise Residential Training Workshops |
[March and September: Field visits, skills training session, and open topic session]
Measuring Impact
 | Adapt Social (and Environmental) Auditing and community-based indicators training
materials to the needs of social and conservation landowners requirements. |
[Examine the possibilities of encouraging an accredited training provider to
undertake a training programme for the social land sector.]
Research and Dissemination of Information
 | Extend the Social land ownership Case Study Scheme |
[Commission and publish new cases]
 | Prepare Organisational Profiles of NfP organisations |
[Update and publish as required]
 | Devise a small partnership research programme |
[Add value to the sector by jointly commissioning research with other interested
 | Undertake advocacy work on community and social land ownership issues as a contribution
to the current Land Reform debate. |

NfP Landowners Project Group
January 1999 |