Who Owns Scotland?
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To Restore the Land to the People and the People to the Land1
The emergence of the Not-for-Private-Profit Landownership Sector in the Highlands
and Islands of Scotland
Graham Boyd, January 1998, The Caledonia Centre for Social Development
This paper was first published in the Scottish Journal for Community
Work and Development, Volume 3, Spring 1998.

This article spans 150 years of organised not-for-private-profit land efforts in the
Highlands and Islands. It unfolds the hidden history of community and conservation
approaches to land ownership in the region.
 | The early phases of these practical attempts to own and manage land began with the
pre-co-operative club farms and smallholding land purchase schemes that arose during the
period 1840 to 1890. |
 | The setting up of the first community land trust in the 1920s followed this. |
 | In the 1930s the out-door-recreational movement successfully purchased a number of
estates of national scenic importance and bequeathed them to the Nation. |
 | This was followed in the mid-1970s by a variety of voluntary conservation owners
securing a number of significant properties of wildlife importance. |
 | In the 1980s and 1990s a diverse range of new community owners has emerged. |
This article sets out to relocate and reconnect the path-breaking, first community
initiatives of crofting land trusts and community buyouts of the 1990s into the wider
perspective of social history. It attempts to link the rediscovery in the 1980s and 1990s
of community and common ownership approaches with the past efforts of a movement that has
struggled for a long time against both the forces of private capital and the failure of
government to take timely action.
Social ownership of land in the hands of civic
organisations is now emerging as the radical alternative to both the lottery of private
ownership and the benign bureaucratic state.
The subject of community and voluntary organisation ownership of land in the Highlands
and Islands has an old and varied history. Records show that groups of concerned
individuals were actively promoting common ownership ideas from around the middle of the
19th century – ‘The Highlander’ and ‘Oban
Times’ newspapers. These approaches differed from early communal landownership
concepts, which were based upon the Celtic system of clan law. With the failure of the
1745 Jacobite Rebellion and the ensuing decades of military pacification, the
region’s subsistence economy and social structures were finally incorporated into the
network of British capitalism. This paved the way for the conversion of clan lands to
private ownership in the hands of the clan chiefs. The relationship between clan chief and
people became that of capitalist landowner and tenant. It led to the classic rural system
of peasant extraction and exploitation based upon the dual instruments of economic rent
and tied labour. Over the next 150 years, Highland land use was transformed by the
improving schemes of factors and agents whose primary purpose was to extract the maximum
profit from the land in the interests of themselves and the Lairds. The wholesale
conversion of large parts of the Highlands to a resource colony for external utilisation
by iron-masters, ship builders, the kelp industry, the sheep industry and finally its
conversion from 1840 onwards into deer forests is testimony to the forces of capitalist
production that have exploited the region. The chaos and social destruction that the rural
population was subjected to is documented through the history of eviction, emigration,
rent strikes, land raids and other forms of social resistance. What is not so well known
are the early practical attempts to develop community approaches to land ownership through
club farms and schemes to purchase land for subdivision into smallholdings. |
Club Farms With the decline in the sheep industry from 1840 onwards, groups of
crofters across the region began pursuing the idea of club farms. The club system combined
the principles of collective and individual occupation of the land. The communal ownership
lay in the possession of a sufficiently large stock of sheep to employ a full-time
shepherd to tend to the animals on the common grazings while the individual responsibility
lay in the management of a permanent holding on the arable land. Few crofters possessed
enough capital to take over the lease of large sheep farms. It was however, possible for
some of them to organise themselves along co-operative lines and purchase stock for
moderate sized farm holdings. At various times between 1840 to 1890 over 20 club farms
operated in the region. What the system of club farms did show was that crofters did
indeed attempt to participate in the new economic order based on sheep farming by using a
co-operative approach. However their ability to do so was limited. The often-hostile
attitude of factors and lairds ensured that access to land was denied and this, combined
with crofters limited access to capital, ensured that collective schemes were difficult to
promote. |
The Chartist Land Plan
provides the Inspiration and Model
Though unsuccessful in achieving their objectives two early land purchase initiatives
are worth examining - the Islay Scheme of 1847 and the Commercial Land Company of 1875.
These initiatives represented the first attempt in the Highlands to use a legally
incorporated body in the form of a shareholder company to enter the private land market
with a view to purchasing sporting estates for re-distribution to smallholders. They are
described in pages 3 and 4.
Both schemes were directly influenced by the land purchase scheme devised in 1846 by
the Chartists and called the Land Plan. The Chartists movement was a social movement that
aimed to reform Parliament in the interests of working people. The movement’s
membership was primarily urban. It was based upon the educated working and radical middle
classes and the industrial towns of the north of England were the main centres of its
support. Its leaders had from the early 1840s extolled the economic possibilities of
dividing up large estates into smallholdings for re-distribution to urban and rural
workers. Land reform was the movement’s means of achieving this. However, at their
National Convention in 1845 they added a practical experiment to their campaigning
programme and launched a proposal to form the Chartist Land Co-operative Society. The
purpose of this co-operative society was to purchase estates and subdivide them into
smallholdings. Or, as the Co-operative Land Society put it:" To purchase land in
order to demonstrate to the Working Class of the kingdom the value of land, as a means of
making them independent of the grinding capitalist"2 . The Convention
backed the venture and took the decision to apply for registration under the Friendly
Societies Acts. They were refused registration and in 1846 decided instead to seek
registration of the National Co-operative Land Company as a shareholder company with the
Registrar for Joint Stock Companies. During the registration process the name got amended
to the National Land Company. |
The National Land Company Last year was the 150th anniversary of the launch of the most
ambitious collective land ownership venture ever attempted in Britain. The vision, scale
and social mobilisation process initiated by the Chartist movement under what has come to
be known as the Chartist Land Plan has many lessons for today’s community land
activists and reformers. The National Land Company was launched in 1846 and during its
three years of existence, it attracted some 70,000 subscribing shareholders organised into
over 251 branches throughout the British Isles. The company purchased five estates
covering 1100 acres in total and constructed 280 cottages and four schools. To increase
the company’s capacity and speed up the purchase of further estates it needed to
overcome the practical difficulty of raising substantial sums of capital. Owing to the
company’s members being primarily the skilled working class they were only able to
make small subscriptions on a monthly basis. To overcome this obstacle the company
established in 1847 the National Land and Labour Bank. However, despite this initial
promising start the company ran into a series of financial and legal difficulties. The
movement’s leaders and the activities of the company became the focus of a hostile
press. A lengthy parliamentary inquiry ensued and the company was closed down in 1851. In
recent years few lessons have been drawn from this early experiment in co-operative land
ownership. Its significant features were that it was urban in origin, motivated by the
concepts of self-help, mutual assistance and self-reliance and was part of an organised
movement with a network of local branches. Its subscribers were the educated working class
who wished to secure for themselves and their families access to land as a means of
securing a better life free from the exploitation of the urban slum and the tyranny of
factory work. They did not seek to return to the land to become subsistence peasants but
wished instead to pursue small scale trade and manufacture controlled co-operatively at
their own hand. |
The man behind the Islay Scheme and one of the leading supporters of the Commercial
Land Company was John Murdoch. Murdoch was born in Ardclach in Nairnshire in 1818 and
spent his life working as an exciseman. His work took him to various parts of Scotland and
also to Ulster and Lancashire. During the early 1840s he was working in Lancashire which
was one of the principal centres of the Chartist movement. As a radical he was familiar
with the Chartist’s programme. In 1845 he was transferred to Islay and when the owner
of the island Walter Campbell was declared bankrupt and subsequently died the estates were
placed in the hands of trustees. In 1847 Murdoch devised the Islay scheme as a means of
assisting the population of the island avoid the threat of eviction by any new owner. |
The Islay Scheme " It was while the Islay estates were in the hands of trustees that I
drew up a plan for the sale of the properties. I had in view the setting up of a peasant
proprietary in Islay and leaving, after all debts were paid, 20,000 acres to the late
laird – of the annual value of £2000 or £3000. The population, which was to be
provided for then, was 15,000. So I proposed that 120,000 acres out of the 140,000 should
be laid out in 3000 lots averaging 28 acres – of which 12 should be arable. I founded
my scheme for the sale of a large part of the island on the supposition that men would buy
small portions and be able in time to pay the price at the rate of some £5 an acre."
The estate trustees did not favour the scheme and the property
was sold to a new laird. The new owners reduced the population of the island during the
next 15 years from 20,000 to 8,000 through eviction and emigration. |
During the next fifty years a wide variety of campaigning organisations emerged whose
primary purpose was to reform the land tenure system and laws of the UK. The Land and
Labour League was founded in 1869 and campaigned for the nationalisation of land. The Land
Tenure Association was formed in the same year and included the philosopher John Stuart
Mills among its members. The Land Nationalisation Society was formed in 1881 and was
specifically committed to the principle of communal ownership of land. The Land
Restoration League was constituted in 1883 and organised the UK tour of the American
social and land tax reformer Henry George. Immediately after George’s Glasgow meeting
on 18 February 1884 the Scottish Land Restoration League was formed at a meeting chaired
by John Murdoch. By then he had retired from the excise service and in his early sixties
had become the editor of the pro-land reform newspaper, ‘The Highlander’,
based in Inverness. The League and the Highlander for the next decade used as its slogan
"The Land for the People" and was an extremely effective campaigning force both
in the Highlands and in Parliament.
Editors, Agitators and Social Moblisers
Murdoch was a political radical and very effective social mobiliser. He was part of a
group who in 1888 founded the Scottish Labour Party eighteen years in advance of the
formation the British Labour Party in 1906. His career as a rural social mobiliser in the
Highlands and Islands is comparable with his Northeast contemporary William Alexander.
Alexander like Murdoch was a newspaper editor. He edited the weekly ‘Aberdeen Free
Press’ and mobilised the crofter, cotter and radical middle classes in the
Northeast counties of Banffshire Aberdeenshire and Kincardineshire during the same period.
Murdoch as editor of ‘The Highlander’ used the weekly columns of the
newspaper to keep the rural districts of the Highlands and Islands informed of the current
situation on land agitation. Now well into his sixties he tramped repeatedly across the
Highlands and Islands urging the crofters and landless cotters to organise themselves to
campaign for their rights. ‘The Highlander’ then reported their
spontaneous and direct actions through a network of contacts who fed the weekly columns
with reports on township rent strikes, evictions, land raids and court cases. The
political proceedings in Parliament and elsewhere in the country were reported by
campaigners based in Edinburgh, Glasgow and London. |
Through the columns of ‘The Highlander’ Murdoch kept promoting the
idea of establishing practical ways of purchasing land for subdivision into smallholdings.
In the July 3rd edition of the paper in 1875 he was pleased to report that "One
of the things for which we have anxiously looked for many years, has been launched; that
is, a company for buying estates, and selling them as smalls". This company was
the Commercial Land Company and one of its directors was Fraser Mackintosh, the MP for
Inverness Burgh and long time friend and supporter of the Highlander and Murdoch. |
The Commercial Land Company The Commercial Land Company was registered with the Registrar of Joint
Stock Companies in London in early 1875. It had six directors two of whom were MPs for
Scottish constituencies. The company’s registered offices were in Charing Cross;
London and it listed its bankers as being in Edinburgh, London and Dublin. The company
aimed to raise £1 million pounds through the issue of 50,000 shares priced at £20 a
share. It launched its public subscription list for the sale of shares in July. Shares
could be purchased in four quarterly instalments spread over a 12-month period. The
prospectus forecast that it expected to make a 7 percent annual divided to shareholders.
The primary objective of the company was to purchase landed estates of all sizes in the UK
(including Ireland) and subdivide them into smallholdings. It was particularly interested
in estates in remote places such as the Highlands where there were opportunities to open
up land through the provision of roads and other infrastructure. Subdivision for
smallholdings was to be from 1 acre to a 1000 acres. The company expected to make a profit
on its investments, as land was seen as one of the safest investments. Six months later
the Highlander reported with considerable disappointment that the company’s public
share subscription had failed to achieve its investment target and therefore did not have
sufficient capital to float. The company was wound up. |
Grasping Opportunities: The
First Community Land Trust
Though none of these earlier collective land schemes succeeded in their objective of
purchasing land for conversion into smallholdings they do illustrate that the campaigners,
radicals and social mobilisers of the 19th century attempted to implement a
number of practical schemes based upon self-reliance and mutual assistance. It was not
until the early 1920s with the departure of the Soap Baron and industrialist Lord
Leverhume from the Isle of Lewis that the Stornoway Trust was formed. It was the first
land trust in the region and is probably unique in the UK, being the only small town whose
land ownership is entirely in the hands of the community. |
The Stornoway Trust, Mrs
Thatcher’s Poll Tax and the extension of democratic control Owning to the collapse of Lord Leverhume’s ambitious fisheries and
agricultural development schemes for Lewis and Harris in the early 1920s the opportunity
for the first community land trust emerged. The wee soap mannie (Bodach an t-siapuinn)
was defeated in his grand plans through a combination of peasant resistance and the
withdrawal of banking credit. At the time the Islands were in a state of civil unrest with
numerous land raids by ex-soldiers recently returned from the First World War. They were
demanding that Leverhume’s farms be broken up and rented out as smallholdings.
Leverhulme at first refused to meet the crofters’ demand to break up the farms but
later changed his mind and in a generous gesture offered the whole of his Lewis and Harris
estate to the inhabitants of the Island as a gift. The crofting landward districts turned
down his offer of outright ownership due to the very specific problems that crofters faced
when they became sole proprietors under the then prevailing Crofting legislation. However,
the Stornoway Town Council voted to take up the opportunity and in 1923 the Stornoway
Trust was created by Deed of Trust passed in Parliament. The estate covers some 64,900
acres and comprises the whole of the parish of Stornoway and a small part of the
neighbouring parish of Lochs. It has 45 crofting townships containing 1,347 crofts and
includes the town of Stornoway with its housing and its industrial outskirts. Today the
estate has a rural population of 7,500 and an urban population of 6,000. In recent years
the legal structure of the trust has had to be amended. The first amendment was due to the
1974 re-organisation of local government that did away with the Stornoway Town Council and
introduced the all-purpose island council, Comhairle nan Eilean. To avoid the loss of
local control, the trustees who had previously been the elected town councillors changed
to an electoral system based upon the Property Valuation Roll. This opened the Trust up
for the first time to a process of direct elections based upon all those whose names
appeared on the valuation roll. It meant that while the owner, or tenant, of a property
had a vote, the rest of the family did not. Mrs Thatcher’s Poll Tax brought the next
significant change to the way in which trustees were elected by abolishing the rating
system. This removed the Valuation Roll as the basis for voter eligibility. The Trust then
took another important democratic step and changed its Deed of Trust to enable all
citizens resident on the estate and who are on the Voters Register to have a vote in the
election of trustees. The Stornoway Trust is now one of the most democratically
accountable community land trusts in the UK. |
The Mountaineers tackle
some unfinished business.
The 19th century Trespass Act and the various Game Laws that legitimised the
rights of landowners to restrict the movement of citizens wishing to gain access to
uncultivated moorland and mountain in Scotland created a powerful sense of public
grievance. In addition to restricting many traditional rights that the rural population
had enjoyed they created a great deal of resentment amongst the growing urban membership
of amenity groups and recreational clubs. Cross-country running, mountaineering and hill
walking clubs were particularly active in campaigning to have the concept of freedom to
roam enshrined in law. In the 1880s and 90s members of these clubs in conjunction with
key figures from the Land League spearheaded a public and parliamentary campaign to have
the Trespass and Game Laws altered.
" The time has come when we must assert what we believe to be the
paramount rights of the nation. If anyone says that is dangerous to the rights of
property, I will answer by saying that the real danger comes from the selfish and
reckless, and even perverse and spiteful, use of the rights which the law has allowed. If
there is any danger to property, it is because persons have declined to recognise the
reasonable and equitable limitations within which those rights ought to be
James Bryce MP (Aberdeen South), Access to Mountains (Scotland) Bill, House
of Commons Speech 4 March 1892.
The campaign for freedom to roam was unsuccessful but during the following
decades the number of people going to the hills increased as did the membership of walking
and mountaineering clubs. The tension between hill goers and sporting estates during the
grouse and deer stalking seasons was a constant reminder of unfinished business. In the
early 1930s a number of sporting estates came onto the market in the climbing mecca of
Glencoe and the mountaineers rallied behind a nation-wide appeal to purchase the
properties. Two estates were purchased and gifted to the National Trust for Scotland to
look after in the interest of the nation. The mountaineers and hill walkers had entered
the land market and were to do so repeatedly on a number of occasions during the next
sixty odd years. |
The Mountainous Country Fund During the 1920s many mountaineers and hill walkers had been active in
campaigning for the establishment of National Parks. When it became clear that the
Government was not prepared to act, many involved in the National Parks movement lent
their support to the newly formed National Trust for Scotland as the next best practical
option. In 1935 Lord Strathcona put the Glen Coe estate on the market. This estate
included some significant climbing grounds and under the direction of Arthur Russell,
Logan Aikman and Percy Unna who were active members of both the Scottish Mountaineering
Club and the National Trust the mountaineers set about raising the necessary funds to buy
the estate. Two years later the adjoining Dalness Forest estate came on the market and the
same group led another fund raising effort, which enabled that estate to be purchased and
gifted to the nation through the National Trust. Having successfully demonstrated that
their collective power was able to get results and that there was a willing body to manage
the properties in the interests of the nation the mountaineers went on to address the
important issues of on-going management costs and future purchases. Under the leadership
of Unna and other key figures in the Scottish Mountaineering Club they established the
Mountainous Country Fund in 1943 within the National Trust for Scotland. To this fund
mountaineers and others donated monies and left bequests. Over the next thirty years it
was to become the main vehicle for purchase and through the establishment of a series of
endowments a significant part of the on-going management costs of each property was
assured. Some six mountain properties have been bought through the Fund covering some
60,000 acres in total. Two key motivating factors which forced the hill users to
collectively enter the land market were the failure of successive governments to address
the issue of public access and their unwillingness to pass the necessary legislation to
protect scenic landscapes. Successive governments’ failure to curtail and intervene
in the private rights of sporting estate owners prompted practical civic action by the
hill users. They did not want to own and manage land but wished only to enjoy
uninterrupted access to the hills. A novel solution was found. The National Trust for
Scotland became the vehicle for gifting important mountain properties to the nation. |
The Emergence of the
Not-for-private-profit Landownership Sector
Some twenty-three Not-for-private-profit (NFP) organisations own, lease or manage by
agreement around 5 percent of the Highlands and Islands’ land area – some
506,725 acres. Since 1980, both the number of NFP organisations and the size of their land
holdings has more than doubled. Many of the larger NFP owners are national voluntary
organisations and this provides the sector with a UK wide membership of over 1.2 million
members and an annual turnover in excess of £85 million. The scale of the NFP sector as
outlined in the above example cases has enabled three particular sub groupings to evolve: voluntary
conservation ownership, crofting trust ownership and small community-based group ownership.
Four national voluntary conservation organisations (RSPB, SWT, JMT 3 and the
Woodland Trust) entered the region’s land market between the mid-1970s and 1980s.
They joined the National Trust for Scotland who had been active in the region since the
1930s. All of these organisations have pursued a policy of acquiring land of national and
international significance to nature, landscape and heritage conservation. Much of this
land was formerly held as large estates primarily for sport hunting. The change from
sporting use to nature conservation, landscape enhancement and woodland regeneration has
led to new investments in the properties resulting in an increase in employment and the
opening up of the estates to visitors. Benefits have also accrued to local businesses, in
particular tourism, estate and forestry contractors and local suppliers.
Community ownership in the region in the 20th century commenced in 1923 with
the Stornoway Trust, described above as one of the cases. During the next fifty years
community land ownership as a practical solution to perceived social and economic issues
failed to establish any new land holdings until 1973 when the Hoy Trust in Orkney was
formed. The innovative Dalnavert Community Co-operative who were pioneers in the concept
of small group ownership followed this in the early 1980s. A resurgence of interest in the
concept of community land ownership in the early 1990s has enabled new groups to form and
rediscover older initiatives. This recent upsurge has resulted in a variety of different
types of community landowners emerging in the region. The most prominent type in this new
wave of NFP landowners has been the crofting trust, of which Assynt Crofters, Borve and
Annishadder Township and Melness Crofters are perhaps the most widely known. The best
known of the small community-based groups are the Laggan Forestry Trust, Abriachan Forest
Trust and the Culag Community Woodland Trust who have all emerged to address rural
development forestry issues.
Most recently, partnership approaches comprising community-based groups, Highland
Council and voluntary conservation organisations have been formed as an innovative means
of purchasing more diverse and expensive properties – the Isle of Eigg Heritage Trust
and the Knoydart Foundation. The Eigg Heritage Trust has recently successfully pioneered
this approach by purchasing the island from its absentee owners. Meanwhile the Knoydart
Foundation is in the process of mounting a purchase bid for the Knoydart estate. |
These NFP land initiatives can be compared with the state sector (Forest Enterprise,
Scottish Natural Heritage, Dept. of Agriculture, etc) whose land holdings comprise just
over 14 percent (1.4 million acres) while the private estate sector owns some 80 percent
(8.1 million acres). Knowledgeable land researchers suggest that if the NFP land ownership
trends of the last 15 years continue at their current rate the sector will easily double
its size by the year 2010. However, this estimate does not take account of the likelihood
of a Scots Parliament for whom land reform will undoubtedly be a piece of unfinished
business the addressing of which will be popularly welcomed by many communities. This is
because Scotland as a whole has one of the most concentrated patterns of land ownership in
Western Europe. Some 50 percent of the country’s land area is controlled by just 600
owners. In the Highlands, this pattern of ownership is even more extreme with some 85
privately owned estates accounting for about a third of the total land area. This
situation results in various barriers and obstacles being placed in the way of
development. Examples of these include difficulties in obtaining land for housing,
commercial use, industry, community facilities and recreational access to river, woodland,
moor and hill. In addition new entrants seeking entry to land industries such as crofting,
horticulture, farming and rural development forestry have specific difficulties with
regard to accessing land. Any land reform package will therefore greatly assist in the
expansion of the patterns of community and voluntary sector ownership. This social
ownership sector is therefore likely to play an important role in extending and
diversifying land ownership patterns in Scotland but particularly throughout the
A powerful citizens’ land owning sector has emerged in the region. It can with
some pride trace its history back to the first organised efforts of crofters and land
reformers who struggled to establish club farms and land re-settlement schemes just over a
150 years ago. However, for the Not-for-private-profit land ownership sector to exercise
significant power in the field of rural development the various strands of the movement
will need to come together of their own choosing and form a democratic federation. The
creation of such a people’s organisation representing the aspirations and views of
community and voluntary sector organisations across the country is a necessary counter
power to that of the existing landed establishment. One of its key purposes would be to
challenge the dominant position in Scottish society of the Scottish Landowners Federation,
which for almost 90 years has exercised power on behalf of the landed elite and other
powerful rural interests. |
References have
been listed by paragraphs.
Carter, I. (1974) The Highlands of Scotland as an Underdeveloped Region,
in De Kalt, E. and Williams, G. (editors), Sociology and Development, London,
Marx, C. (1976) Capital, Volume I, Pelican editon, London.
Grigor, I.F. (1979) Mightier than a lord: The Highland Crofter’s Struggle for
Land, Acair, Stornoway.
Hunter, J. (1976) The Making of the Crofting Community, Donald, Edinburgh.
Macphail, I.M.M. (1989) The Crofter’s War, Acair, Stornoway.
Prebble, J (1974) The Highland Clearances, Penguin, London.
Club Farms:
Carter, I. (1971) Economic Models and the Recent History of the Highlands, Scottish
Studies, Vol.15, Part II pp 99-120.
Orr, W. (1982) Deer Forests, Landlords and Crofters, Donald, Edinburgh.
Chartist Land Plan provides the Inspiration and Model
MacAskill, J. (1967) The Chartist Land Plan, in Briggs, A. (editor), Chartist
Studies, Macmillan, London.
The National Land Company
MacAskill, J. (1967) The Chartist Land Plan, in Briggs, A. (editor), Chartist
Studies, Macmillan, London.
The Islay Scheme
Murdoch. J (1986) For the People’s Cause, Hunter, J. (editor), HMSO,
The Land Leagues emerge
Grigor, I.F. (1979) Mightier than a lord: The Highland Crofter’s Struggle for
Land, Acair, Stornoway.
Macphail, I.M.M. (1989) The Crofter’s War, Acair, Stornoway.
Editors, Agitators and Social Moblisers
Alexander. W. (1992) Rural Life in Victorian Aberdeenshire. Carter, I. (editor),
Mercat Press, Edinburgh.
Murdoch. J (1986) For the People’s Cause, Hunter, J. (editor), HMSO,
The Commercial Land Company
Murdoch. J. The Highlander newspaper, 3rd July 1875 and 8th
January 1876 editions, Inverness.
The Stornoway Trust, Mrs Thatcher’s Poll Tax and the extension of democratic
MacDonald, C. (1991) Life in the Highlands and Islands of Scotland, AUP,
Thompson, F. (1986) Land in Community Ownership: 60 Years of the Stornoway Trust,
in Hulbert, J. (editor), Land Ownership and Use, Andrew Fletcher Society, Dundee.
The Mountaineers tackle some unfinished business
McOwan, R (1993). No Boundaries for Bryce, The Scots Magazine, December
1993, NS Vol. 139, pp 592-601.
The Mountainous Country Fund
McOwan, R. (Undated) The Man Who Bought Mountains, National Trust for Scotland,
Wightman, A (1997). Do we want Scotland’s finest landscapes controlled by a
benign dictatorship, Scotland on Sunday, 23 February 1997.
The Emergence of the Not-for-private-profit Landownership Sector
ERM Consultants (1996) Assessment of the Social Economy in the Highlands and Islands,
Highlands and Islands Enterprise, Inverness.
INC (Independent Northern Consultants), (1995) Assessment of the Direct Employment
Impact of Environmental Activity in the Highlands and Islands, HIE and SNH, Inverness.
Wightman, A. (1996a) Organisational Profiles: Not-for-Profit Landowning
Organisations in the Highlands and Islands of Scotland. (Mimeo), HIE, SNH and Highland
LIFE Project, Inverness.
Wightman, A. (1996a) Organisational Profiles: Not-for-Profit Landowning
Organisations in the Highlands and Islands of Scotland. (Mimeo), HIE, SNH and Highland
LIFE Project, Inverness.
Wightman, A. (1996b) Who Owns Scotland, Canongate, Edinburgh.
1. The title is from the banner used by the Land Nationalisation
Society founded in 1881.
2. First Representation of the Select Committee of the National Land
Company, 1846.
3. RSPB: Royal Society for the Protection of Birds (founded in
1889). It is the largest voluntary
conservation organisation in Europe with over 950,000 members. It manages some 130
reserves in the UK covering some 230,000 acres.
SWT: Scottish Wildlife Trust (founded in 1964 ) It has over 15,000 members and
manages over
28,000 acres in Scotland.
JMT: John Muir Trust (founded in 1983) It has some 5,000 members and owns 35,000
acres in the Highlands. |
The assistance of David Reid from the Caledonia Centre for Social Development in the preparation of this
paper is acknowledged. |
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