Copies of the three volumes of case studies of SOCIAL LANDOWNERSHIP are now available
free to self-help groups, for the cost of post and packaging.
contact details

The volumes were compiled and edited by Graham Boyd and David Reid, and published
jointly by the Not-for-Profit Landowners Project Group and Community Learning Scotland in
1999, 2000 and 2001
Each volume contains a foreword, introduction, eight case studies and contact details.
The 24 case studies cover a wide variety of projects, large and small, mostly from the
north of Scotland. They include community woodland projects, agricultural and
horticultural co-operatives, forestry partnerships, regeneration projects, and
conservation initiatives, initiated by community groups, conservation organisations,
community-public sector partnerships and in some cases by pioneering individuals. The
studies reflect the diversity of the not-for-profit land sector, but are linked by a
common theme of managing land and resources in ways, which improve the long-term welfare
of local communities. Each case study was written by an individual closely involved with
the project and able to identify both the major obstacles and the key factors in
overcoming these.

If you think your group might wish to reflect on the experience that the case studies
document, please get in touch quickly as supplies are limited. Precise details of cost of
post and packaging by return. Enquiries and firm orders to David Reid, who edited the case
studies and wrote the introductions. He can be contacted by email: or by phone on 01997
The case studies are also available on-line at