Community Organising
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This short paper, which dates from the early 1990s, distils the
thinking and experience of the Philippine Partnership for the Development of Human
Resources in Rural Areas in the sphere of Community Organising. An important
feature of the paper is its definitions and methodologies. These are conveyed so as to
assist those committed to this style of working with their daily actions. |

Community Organising is a systematisation of experiences in labour and other forms of
organising. At the same time, it continuously evolves and is constantly enriched in the
process of practice. While Community Organising shares many aspects with other forms of
organising, it is distinctive, not because it is defined by the limited boundaries of
communities, but because it is characterised by a package of features. Some of these are
present in other forms of organising but they are only present as a package in Community

Community Organising has 4 distinguishing process or methodological characteristics.
These are:
 | A progressive cycle of action-reflection begins with small, local and
concrete issues identified by the people and the evaluation of and reflection on the
action taken by them. |
 | Consciousness-raising through experimental learning is central to the
Community Organising process because it places emphasis on the learning that emerges from
concrete action and which enriches succeeding action. This dialectic relation between
theory and practice progressively raises peoples consciousness. |
 | Community Organising is participatory and mass-based because it is
primarily directed towards, and biased in favour of the poor, the powerless and the
oppressed. Through a participatory process, the whole community (as much as possible) must
be involved in the organising experience. |
 | Community Organising is group-centred and not leader-orientated. Leaders
are identified, emerge and are tested through action rather than appointed or selected by
some external force or entity. Thus Community Organising seeks democratic leadership where
power resides in the people. |

The goal of community Organising is Peoples empowerment. Through
Community Organising people learn to overcome their powerlessness and develop their
capacity to maximise their control over their lives. They must be able to influence the
course of history and erode the dehumanising effects of powerlessness. And through the
process of confronting oppressive structures and institutions, people are transformed from
dehumanised objects into human beings with dignity, who can assert their rights and can
control their destiny.
Consequently, Community Organising aims to establish relatively permanent structures of
peoples organisations, which will serve the needs and aspirations of the people and
thereby ensure maximum peoples participation. It is through these structures that
people learn to internalise a new system of values so that localised experiences become
the building blocks upon which the blueprint of a more desirable future is based.
To effectively influence the course of history towards building a more equitable and
socially just nation, peoples organisations and community organisers should join
organisations and alliances that will promote the interests of the people without any a
priori exclusion. This refers to sectoral alliances, other peoples organisations and
federations, multi-sectoral coalitions, regional and national apex bodies, political
parties and international social movements.
However, one must be able to see the difference between tactical alliances, which are
short-term, on the level of issues, and strategic alliances, which are long-term, and
subject to a more comprehensive basis of unity and solidarity with friends and like minded
groups. Such alliances must ensure genuine peoples participation and the proper
observation of genuine respect for the integrity of each group.

Since Community Organising takes a partisan stand on the side of the people, the issue
of ones ideology, political line or orientation is crucial. Every Community
Organiser must possess all three. The only difference is in the degree to which a
Community Organiser is conscious of these.
A Community Organiser may not have a systematised ideology but may develop one in the
process of struggle. Because they are a social agent of change, they must possess an
orientation and political line that specifies:
 | the analysis of the situation; |
 | an assessment of the forces and classes that are for and against change; and |
 | the limits of the current system |
The Community Organiser also serves as a model of the people. Every organiser then must
be clear on their political line and orientation to the people. The general rule that
governs the Community Organiser must be:
An ideal vision of society must have the following features:
 | Democratic because it is premised on the foundation of a strong,
popular and autonomous peoples organisation in contrast to an over-centralised state
which exercises too much control and where an oppressive bureaucracy necessarily develops. |
 | Nationalistic because its focus is on development of the
Philippines and not its subservience to the promotion and perpetuation of the interest of
larger and more powerful nations. |
 | Self-reliant and self-governing in order for us to retrieve our
sovereignty and chart our own destiny. |
 | Equitable distribution of wealth which allots to each according to
his/her own needs. |
 | Collective ownership of the vital means of production which refers
to the collectivisation of those people who are exploited and deprived of other means of
survival. |
 | Pluralistic and mass-based because it allows freedom of different
political forces to pursue their own political line on the presumption that, in the final
analysis, a political line can be validated only by the people. |
A Community Organiser should exhaust all open and legal means to the attainment of this
vision. They must be open to use other means especially the right to self-defence when the
people decide that existing systems can no longer be altered.
Finally, behind every political ideology and orientation is an act of faith, a belief
in an option or stand. The correctness of a position can only be judged by the passage of
time and events. Thus, differences in position must be viewed with mutual respect. What is
important is an openness to dialogue and an ethical relationship between those who have
different perspectives. After all, only time can tell which position is correct.

Some crucial issues
A number of issues may appear as dilemmas in the Community Organising experience. A
good Community Organiser must learn to anticipate and face these issues.
For instance, a Community Organiser must know how to find the balance between local and
national issues. Because in the ultimate analysis, such a balancing of local and national
issues comes from the realisation that a Community Organiser is a crucial part of national
transformation - the handmaiden of national liberation.
Another issue is the use of economic projects as entry points. Economic projects like
appropriate technology, health and the like must be clearly undertaken within the context
of supporting and sustaining the struggle towards the peoples goals, elevating the
awareness and consciousness of the people, inculcating values, as a concrete expression of
the alternative system we are working towards. As such, Community Organisers must guard
against the tendency of such projects to subvert the whole community organising process
because these interventions unwittingly reinforce the old value system. Hence, it is
advisable to introduce economic projects as a sustaining complimentary activity after the
people have been organised. However, under abnormal conditions, economic projects can be
used as an entry-point.
Finally, a Community Organiser must make it a point that a vibrant and stable
organisation is not only maintained but rather, viewed by the people as a necessary
pre-requisite for development. How to sustain peoples organisations is a challenge
both to the community and to the Community Organiser. The following are essential elements
in sustaining peoples organisations:
 | In-depth and continuing education and training |
 | On-going activities and projects |
 | Clear organisational structures and policies |
 | A core of highly motivated, politically conscious leaders with a deep pro-people
commitment |
 | Stable alliances with other groups and peoples organisations |
 | A well defined vision for the future |

In the strict sense, the relationship between the Community Organiser and the demand
community must be temporary. This is so because the aim of organisers is to help create
communities, which can determine their own future, helping them to become self-sufficient
and self-reliant. Nevertheless, a Community Organiser after the phase-out must shift to a
supportive role like monitoring, consultation, evaluation, follow-up, etc. Although, it is
true that the Community Organiser people relationship must come to an end, the
Community Organiser may remain part of the peoples organisation as a comrade.

Further Information
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- Philippine Partnership for the Development of Human Resources in Rural Areas (PHILDHRRA)
- 20 Jose Escoler Street, Loyola Heights,
- 1102 Quezon City
- Philippines
- See listing under http://www.philngo.com/index.htm
