To develop and articulate a pan-African voice on land and resource rights, policies and advocacy, and engage with other stakeholders at regional and international research and policy-making events.RATIONALEAcross the continent the land and resource rights of the rural poor are threatened by:
This programme provides an opportunity for scholars, practitioners and advocacy groups across Africa to enhance their capacity to engage critically but constructively with these challenges to analysis and action in the interests of the poor. THEMATIC FOCUSThe central thematic focus of the programme will be land and resource tenure, in both local and national contexts but also within wider economic contexts and engagements (e.g. international trade and global environmental treaties). A key analytical thrust will be the political economy of land and resources. Another key theme will be roles and relationships in research, advocacy, policy and capacity building around land and resource rights, and their implications of analysis for strategies and actions. ACTIVITIESThe main activities of the programme will be:
The Programme is hosted and co-managed by four African centres of excellence, each of which will co-ordinate activities in their respective regions:
The first workshop of the programme was hosted by the Social Research Centre (SRC) at the American University of Cairo in Egypt, on the 25th and 26th March 2002. The second workshop will be held in West Africa, hosted by the Community Conservation and Development Initiatives (CCDI), in Lagos, Nigeria, from July 15-16 2002. Commissioned papers and case studies on all the main themes of the programme will be presented. The third workshop will be held in East Africa, hosted by the African Centre for Technology Studies (ACTS) in Nairobi, Kenya end of this year or early 2003 whilst the fourth workshop will be held in Southern Africa, hosted by the Programme for Land and Agrarian Studies (PLAAS) in Cape Town later in the year 2003. CONTACT DETAILS