ICA Response to Tsunami
International Co-operative Alliance: "uniting, representing and serving
co-operatives worldwide"
Full details see the Weekly Digest Volume 1 Number 33, 10 January 2005

Our first digest of 2005 is devoted entirely to the recent tsunami disaster.
[Contents list]
We have a two stage response to the tragedy.
Firstly, we launched both regional and global appeals as soon as possible after
the tragedy. The President and Director-General wrote to all ICA members on 30
December asking them to support the global appeal. We also immediately appointed
Gabriella Sozanski, sozanski@ica.coop
the ICA's Director of Knowledge
Management, to coordinate our relief efforts.
We are also attempting to gather as much information as we can from members and
others about how co-operatives and co-operators have been affected. Given the
remoteness of some of the affected areas it has been difficult in the first few
days after the tsunami struck to gain an overall impression of how cooperatives
and their members have been impacted by this disaster. We will, however,
regularly update you on this information as it becomes available.
Secondly, in the longer term we believe the ICA can provide a point of
coordination for members in the countries directly affected by the tsunami and
also assist co-operatives wishing to donate funds or expertise to the
reconstruction. The ICA will be working with its members over the coming weeks
and months to do whatever it can to assist with this coordination.

 | Editorial |
 | ICA Response to Tsunami Disaster |
 | Sri Lankan Co-op Leader's Appeal |
 | How Consumer Co-operatives have been Affected in Sri Lanka
 | Co-operative Hospitals Affected |
 | Donations for Aceh and North Sumatra |
 | Appeal from Indonesian Credit Unions |
 | DEKOPIN Plan Reconstruction Workshop |
 | ICA Members' and Sectoral Organisations' Responses
 | Swiss Co-ops Give Generously |
 | From the Housing Sector in Germany |
 | Housing Reconstruction Focus of Meeting Proposed in India |
 | ICA Staff Contributing a Day's Salary to Appeal |
 | COPAC and Joint Agencies Meetings to Consider Tsunami Reconstruction
 | Post-Tsunami Challenges: A Commentary by Robby Tulus |
 | Details of Bank Accounts for Co-operative Tsunami Appeals |
 | ICA Members in Affected Countries |